A blog focusing on the trials of mental illness, recovery and the arts.

Wednesday, October 14, 2015


I have been on disability almost two years now.
I have attempted to work twice? since starting. It didnt work out either time.
Last year, when I started to feel a little less depressed than I had been, I started to notice a little cabin fever going on. Don't get me wrong, I can spend weeks in bed watching Law and Order SVU, but I got to the point where that wasn't doing much for me. Not showering, eating and drinking in bed, leaving to only go to the bathroom..it all was making me worse. On a clear day, I noticed this and started thinking on what I could do to make myself feel a little more productive.
Something other than getting a job and having to commit to 30 or 40 hours a week and a schedule I can't control.
I thought about my interests. The interests I have on good days, when I find anything interesting.
I googled organizations and clubs in my area that had to do with said interests.
I found Reading Partners, an organization that works with elementary school children on their reading.
I started volunteering twice a week with them for 45 minute sessions.

This has made all the difference.
Feeling accomplished and successful at something made me feel much better.
On the days I volunteered, my mood would be better.
I won't lie, there's days I just can't go. I can't see myself out of the bed. On those days, I accept things and stay home.
It happens.
But I can't recommend enough the duty of volunteering.

I'm not completely broken down. I can still be involved in life. Everything is not just passing me by.

A good ride in the car. Time to listen to the radio. Reading with a child for 45 minutes.
This makes a day brighten.

Go out and volunteer. It helps.

And always on a good day...

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